We wanted to send out a warning about a situation that happened to us last week.
Last week we were posting our projects to link parties we participate in every week. As we were scrolling through the projects that linked up we ran across this picture, which is our project, with a completely different title, "Moroccan Inspired Bench". Hmmm...
Our post is titled "Cover Your Cornhole". I thought that was strange since this was a post we did back in late July. I clicked on it and it brought me to a site that was in either Russian or Greek.
They stole our picture and posted it to the link party as their own! No reference back to us, no link, nothing. We have no idea if there are other pictures out there of ours that were stolen.
I e-mailed the blog owner and of course received no response.
Please keep an eye out for your projects when posting at the weekly link parties. I don't know if this is a new trend or just an isolated incident. Better to be safe than sorry.

Thats awful!!! as a beginner photographer, i understand how frustrating it is to have original work stolen I suggest using watermarks in pictures or using myows! i wish you all the best!
Sorry to hear this happened to you! I recently saw another blog that had something similar to this happen to her. She reported the URL of the site with her content to Google, so they could investigate and have it removed. Perhaps you should do the same. I have included the link to her blog post about it, in case it might help.
Sammy ~Renew Redo
wow that stinks! I'd be so mad, but who knows whose used my photos.
I think people feel that once something is posted online it is there for anyone to take. I would use watermarks like the person above me suggested. I also think there is a way to make it so your pictures can not be saved on someone elses computer. I dont know how to do that though. I haven't seen this problem in blogland but I know it is a problem on ebay with other sellers stealing others pictures and listings word for word.
This makes me really nervous as I post pictures of my children online. Makes me ill to think someone would take those
Wha!!! That's terrible! And how rude of the blog owner not to respond!
That is very unfortunate..you should add your blog name and/or url to each picture like I do. It is a little inconvenience now to save you more hassle later.
Wow! I can't believe some of the stuff people do. I might need to start watermarking my pics too...if I can figure out how to. :) Will you let us know what kind of security measures you are taking? I'm sure other clueless bloggers like myself would like to know what we can do to protect our images and projects.
Sorry to hear that this has happened to you but I know that it's happening more and more as the blogosphere expands. As Beckyp says, people seem to think that because it's on the internet everything is free, to be used as they like.
I could be wrong and maybe I'm not looking hard enough but I can't see any copyright message anywhere on your blog. Sometimes if you put one in an obvious place i.e right at the top of the page it acts as a bit of a deterrent.
Great blog btw.
D x
That is total crap!!! I have heard of this happening before and I'm sorry that it's happening to you...some people have a lot of nerve! Bummer on the no new posts )c:
Even if you watermark and copyright, the internet is the wild west. I've had this happen to me last year when I first started up. The best thing you can do is call the haters out.
That is scary! I hope they remove it. I add my blog address to my photos like the others have mentioned. The www is a huge place and not everyone is as sweet as our DIY blogging community. Good luck!
Now that you mentioned that, I noticed some of my pictures had disappeared from my older posts! That is so strange. Bummer about the picture thieves. Good idea to add some security measures.
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